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What are Digital X-Rays?

Digital X-ray (digital radiography) is a new X-ray technology that uses an electronic sensor instead of an X-ray film and instantly produces digital images that can be stored and displayed on a computer. Digital x-rays reduce radiation exposure by 80% - 90% when compared to traditional X-rays.

How to Prepare for Digital X-Rays

Your x-ray technician will guide you to the examination room where you will be instructed to change into a patient’s gown. You will be advised to remove the jewelry and other metal items that interrupt the passage of X-rays. You should not stop taking regular medications unless advised by your doctor.

How Digital X-rays work?

The steps involved in this technique include:

  • Image generation: The electromagnetic radiations passing through the tissues and organs are picked up by a digital receptor to produce images in digital form.
  • Processing: The formed images are then processed in an image processor that enhances the quality of the images.
  • Archiving: Images are stored on digital storage media.
  • Presentation: The images are displayed on a computer screen.

Advantages of Digital X-Rays

  • Digital x-rays produce significantly lower levels of radiation compared to traditional x-rays. Precautions are also taken to further limit the patient's exposure to radiation.
  • The digital images captured electronically are immediately available for review.
  • There is no need for X-ray films thus eliminating the harmful waste and chemicals disposed into the environment.